OK, back to 572...

Does 4 go into 572?  ( Is 572 divisible by 4? )

72 / 4 ... subtract 4 from 72 = 32... subtract 32 from 32 = 0...  72 / 4 = 18  ...  Yep!

So, 572 is divisible by 4.

Here's another one:

Does 4 go into 16,421?  ( Is 16,421 divisible by 4? )

No, since 21 is not divisible by 4.

Divisibility by 8 Test:

This is a lot like the test for 4, but even less useful.

A number is divisible by 8 if the last three digits are a number that's divisible by 8.

Since we have to look at a three digit number, we're probably not going to be able to eyeball this one.  We'll probably need to do some long division.