Before, I showed you how to convert fractions to decimals...  But, only for certain, special kinds of fractions!  These fractions had denominators that were only made up of 2's and 5's.


3 / 4 = 3 / ( 2x2 )   and   7 / 50 = 7 / ( 2x5x5 )

To do these, you turned those denominators into powers of 10 to convert them to decimals.

Then, I told you that you needed another method to convert something like

8 / 75 = 8 / ( 3x5x5 )   because of the 3

So, here is that method!  (Aren't you excited?)

To convert these critters into decimals, we use long division to divide the numerator by the denominator:

Let's convert 1 / 3
to a decimal.

Set it up and you'll see that the 3 doesn't divide in right away...  So, we need to use our knowledge of decimal division!

1 divided by 3 is the same as 1.0 divided by 3

long division work for 1.0 divided by 3 ... and we get .333...

Hey!  We're stuck in a repeating loop, aren't we?

Yep, these things always convert into repeating decimals!

So, 1 / 3 = .333 which is the same as 1 / 3 = .3 with a bar over the 3