One last thing on slopes of lines...

Remember that lines with positive slopes are ones that go uphill (as you go from left to right):

slope = 5

Line with a slope of 5

slope = 1

Line with a slope of 1

slope =1 / 3

Line with a slope of 1 / 3


Lines with negative slopes go downhill:

slope = -3

Line with a slope of -3

slope = -1

Line with a slope of -1

slope =-1 / 7

Line with a slope of -1 / 7


Just for a little review, find the slopes of these lines:

Graph of a line that passes through the points ( -1 , 4 ) and ( 2 , -2 )


Graph of a line that passes through the points ( -3 , -2 ) and ( 4 , 0 )


Graph of a line that passes through the points ( -3 , -3 ) and ( 2 , 2 )