Online Math Dictionary: E
Easy to understand math definitions for K-Algebra mathematics
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Edge The edges of a polygon are the outside boundaries. In thesquare on the right, you can see four edges. In a polyhedron, like the dodecahedron on the right, an edge is where two faces meet. The edges are the yellow lines. |


Ellipse There's an easy definition for an ellipse and a harder algebra definition. Here's the easy one: An ellipse is a stretched out circle.
For the algebra definition, check out.Coolmath Algebra Ellipses |

Ellipsoid An ellipsoid is a three dimensional ellipse. Imagine putting a line through the longest part of an ellipse and spinning it. This would give you an ellipsoid. |


Empty Set An empty set is the same as a "null set." An empty set is a set with no members (or elements.) The symbol for the empty set is on the right. It can also be written as an empty set of set brackets:
{ }
Putting the empty set symbol inside the set brackets is a bad thing... But, is a common mistake, so don't do it! |
