Online Math Dictionary: K
Easy to understand math definitions for K-Algebra mathematics
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kilobyte | kilogram | kilometer |
kilowatt | kite | Klein Bottle |
Kilobyte A kilobyte is 1000 bytes (which is a unit of measurement for data on computers). Kilo means "a thousand of." |
Kilogram A kilogram is 1000 grams. It is the weight of a special platinum rod in Paristhat is used as the standard unit of measure for the metric system. A kilogram is about 2.2 pounds. Kilo means "a thousand of." |
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Kilometer A kilometer is 1000 meters (a unit to measure length in the metric system). A kilometer is about 3280 feet. Kilo means "a thousand of." |
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Kilowatt A kilowatt is 1000 watts and is a unit of measure for electrical power. Kilo means "a thousand of." |
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Klein Bottle A Klein bottle is a special bottle that only has one side. Most bottles have and inside and as outside. In a Klein bottle, the "inside" and the "outside" are the same side! |
In the picture, start at the A on the "outside" of the bottle and follow the green arrows... You end up thinking you are on the inside, but you're still on the same surface you started on! |