A theorem is a mathematical statement that has been proven to be true. |



Trigonometry is the study of the geometry of triangles -- it's triangle geometry. |

A trinomial is a polynomial with three terms.

Truncate is just a fancy word for cutting something off. |

Truncated Cube
The truncated cube is created by truncating (cutting off) the tips of the
cube one third of the way into each edge.
Properties of the truncated cube
14 faces: 8 equilateral triangles and 6 regular octagons
24 vertices: 2 octagons and 1 triangle
36 edges
Dihedral angle: about 125.67 degrees for the oct-tri angle
and 90 degrees for the oct-oct angle
For more info about Platonic solids, check out my Platonic solids gallery.

Truncated Cuboctahedron
The truncated cuboctahedron is created by truncating (cutting off) the cuboctahedronone third of the way into each side.
Properties of the truncated cuboctahedron
26 faces: 12 squares, 8 regular hexagons and 6 regular octagons
48 vertices: 1 square, 1 hexagon and 1 octagon
72 edges
Dihedral angle: 135 degrees for the oct-sqr angle, about 125.27 degrees
for the oct-hex angle and about 144.73 degrees for the
hex-sqr angle
For more info about Platonic solids, check out my Platonic solids gallery.


Truncated Dodecahedron
The truncated dodecahedron is created by truncating (cutting off) the tips of thedodecahedron one third of the way into each edge.
Properties of the truncated dodecahedron
32 faces: 20 equilateral triangles and 12 regular decagons
60 vertices: 2 decagons and 1 triangle
90 edges
Dihedral angle: about 116.57 degrees for the dec-dec angle and
about 142.62 degrees for the dec-tri angle
For more info about Platonic solids, check out my Platonic solids gallery.


Truncated Icosahedron
The truncated icosahedron is created by truncating (cutting off) the tips of theicosahedron one third of the way into each edge.
Properties of the truncated icosahedron
32 faces: 12 regular pentagons and 20 regular hexagons
60 vertices: 2 hexagons and 1 pentagon
90 edges
Dihedral angle: about 138.183 degrees for the hex-hex angle and
about 142.62 degrees for the hex-pent angle
For more info about Platonic solids, check out my Platonic solids gallery.


Truncated Icosidodecahedron
The truncated icosidodecahedron is created by truncating (cutting off) theicosidodecahedron one third of the way into each side.
Properties of the truncated icosidodecahedron
62 faces: 30 squares, 20 regular hexagons and 12 regular decagons
120 vertices: 1 square, 1 hexagon and 1 decagon
180 edges
Dihedral angle: about 148.283 degrees for the dec-sqr angle,
about 142.62 degrees for the dec-hex angle and
159.1 degrees for the hex-sqr angle
For more info about Platonic solids, check out my Platonic solids gallery.


Truncated Octahedron
The truncated octahedron is created by truncating (cutting off) the tips of the octahedronone third of the way into each edge.
Properties of the truncated octahedron
14 faces: 6 squares and 8 regular hexagons
24 vertices: 2 hexagons and 1 square
36 edges
Dihedral angle: about 125.27 degrees for the sqr-hex angle,
about 109.46 degrees for the hex-hex angle
For more info about Platonic solids, check out my Platonic solids gallery.


Truncated Tetrahedron
The truncated tetrahedron is created by truncating (cutting off) the tips of the tetrahedronone third of the way into each edge.
Properties of the truncated tetrahedron
8 faces: 4 equilateral triangles and 4 regular hexagons
12 vertices: 2 hexagons and 1 triangle
18 edges
Dihedral angle: about 70.53 degrees for the hex-hex angle,
about 109.47 degrees for the hex-tri angle
For more info about Platonic solids, check out my Platonic solids gallery.
