Online Math Dictionary: H
Easy to understand math definitions for K-Algebra mathematics
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Hemisphere A hemisphere is half of a sphere.
On our planet, the top half is called the Northern Hemisphere and the bottom half is called theSouthern Hemisphere.


Heptagon A heptagon is a seven sided polygon. The heptagon in the picture on the right is a regular heptagon because all the sides and angles are the same (congruent).
For more info on heptagons, check out my properties of heptagons page.

Hexagon A hexagon is a six sided polygon. The hexagon in the picture on the right is a regular hexagon because all the sides and angles are the same (congruent).
For more info on hexagons, check out my properties of hexagons page.


Hexahedron A hexahedron is a six sided three dimensional geometric figure (a polyhedron). A regular hexahedron is a cube because all the faces are the same size (congruent). |


Horizontal A horizontal line is a line that runs along the horizon.
